Steve Peedell, Simon Kay and Giovanna Giardino



In response to a requirement to identify all the olive trees in Europe (totalling an estimated 450 million), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission has initiated a project to study methods of computer-assisted tree identification from digital orthophotographs. One of the principal outcomes of the initial phase of this study is an algorithm, which has been integrated within an ArcView GIS environment as a Dynamic Link Library (DLL). In a short period of time, this combination has given us a means of first testing how well the algorithm performs, and secondly assisting the countries who have to undertake the counting task. The prototype system, called OliCount, is described here. Our experience shows that the combination of custom modules as DLL's and ArcView is a powerful one, and is relevant to many different applications beyond our own specific sphere of interest. 


Agricultural ministries across Europe are currently faced with a huge task - how to identify an estimated 450 million olive trees in order to develop a comprehensive register, which is used as the basis for subsidy payments. The millions of trees involved are geographically concentrated in 5 of the 15 Member States of the European Union (EU). This paper describes the OliCount project, which aims to assist those involved in the task of olive tree identification by developing semi-automatic tools integrating custom image-processing software in a proprietary GIS environment. For prototype development, the chosen GIS interface has been ArcView. The content is therefore relevant to an audience who may be involved in agricultural applications, aerial photography, image processing and Avenue development, specifically the integration of Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL's) in ArcView.

Following a brief explanation of the political context of why so many olive trees need to be counted, there is a more detailed discussion of how olive trees are identified from digital orthophotographs, and how ArcView is used to manage the results of the algorithm we have developed. It is hoped that our experience in this specific area will encourage a wider audience to exploit the benefits of developing DLL's which can easily be used with a small amount of Avenue programming to significantly enhance the power of ArcView and avoid wasting time developing standard GIS functions.

Agricultural Policy in Europe

One of the key sectors of activity concerning the European Union is agriculture. The various regulations associated with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) include requirements for Member States to set up an Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), to manage payments of subsidies on a number of agricultural products. Increasingly, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are being used for IACS, with digital orthophotography often providing the large-scale mapping background.

As far back as 1975, prior to IACS, legislation was put in place for setting up olive tree registers for subsidy management. Farmers receive payments linked to the number of declared trees, and whilst the use of GIS is not mandatory, the benefit of having a management approach harmonised with that of IACS is being realised, and is likely to be legally required in the future.
Map of Olive Production in Europe

The European Commission (EC) does not only stipulate regulations to individual Member States. It also provides funding and technical assistance to implement these regulations. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the EC is one of the ways support is given by providing relevant applied research programmes.

The Role of the Joint Research Centre

Within the JRC, the Agricultural Information Systems Unit (AIS) is closely linked to the EC Directorate General VI (Agriculture). Given the sheer enormity of the task of olive tree counting, an important task in the 1997/8 AIS research programme is to develop tools for counting trees and for mapping areas planted with olive trees. OliCount, the application described in this paper, is the result of a seven person-month development project, consisting of a tree-identification algorithm (implemented in C++), and an ArcView 3.0 interface. Our main tasks have been to:

OliCount Overview

In this implementation, ArcView 3 provides the user interface (image / parcel display, database connection, custom menus, setting of parameters, counting), whilst the identification of trees themselves is a "black-box" operation, using the parameters defined by the user prior to operation (tree characteristics, image information). Using Avenue, we can easily pass the parameters required by the tree identification algorithm and, equally importantly, handle the result of the algorithm geographically, where each tree can be analysed in conjunction with the parcel to which it belongs.

Software environment

Schematic OverView of OliCount

OliCount consists of an ArcView 3.0 project file and two DLL's. The DLL OTCount performs Olive tree recognition on scanned panchromatic aerial photography with 256 grey levels in TIFF format. The DLL OTValues evaluates certain parameters from trees manually identified by the operator on screen. In particular, ArcView has no direct functionality to obtain a pixel value from an Image Theme, so we developed OTValues to do this for us. To date, only 1 metre pixel imagery has been tested. The software was developed on a Windows 95 platform, and has been successfully tested on Windows NT 4.0.


The custom ArcView OliCount interface allows the user to set parameters for tree identification, calling the OTCount DLL for identification, and interactive editing of results. The user can work on irregular parcels (in shapefile format), with OliCount performing clipping of trees within the bounding rectangle used within the TIFF image according to whether they are inside or outside of the selected parcel. Each tree (point) is tagged with the parcel identifier to which it belongs and stored in a central file / database which can be set up for the region being studied. The count of the number of trees identified in each parcel is also stored as an attribute of the parcel polygons, allowing checks against the number of trees declared by the farmer or the number identified by ground survey.

Olive Counting Algorithms

Olive tree identification is based on a set of input parameters, which essentially define the morphology (shape) and radiometry (grey level): The conceptual process of Olive Tree recognition is shown below:
Conceptual Olive Tree Recognition.

Unfortunately the reflectance of both olive trees and background is not constant, and can vary across an aerial photograph, between trees and in the difference between tree / background. In the example below, use of a fixed threshold range would result in rejection of Olive B, which is brighter than the Background in Area A.
Variation in Reflectance

In the image below, the background in particular varies due to shadow effects. This is such a common occurrence that we looked at developing a method of varying the threshold within our area of interest.

Example of Variation in Reflectance

Reflectance of an olive tree is a function of age, species and health, whereas the reflectance of the background is affected by soil composition, vegetation, moisture and shadows. Because of this, our algorithm is based on a process of "Iterative Thresholding".

The Iterative Thresholding process can be summarised as follows:

Within an image, the current domain (extent) is defined by the rectangle which encompasses the selected parcel(s). 2 copies are made in memory which will subsequently be used as masks to keep track of areas which have already been processed. Starting with a maximum threshold value, the relevant portion of the image is scanned for what we have termed "blob seeds", i.e. pixels with a value lower than the specified maximum. When a blob-seed is found, a seed function generates a complete "blob", and the corresponding pixel in one of the mask images (blob mask) is updated. The blob mask is effectively a map of processed seeds.

The morphological parameters are then checked (size, aspect, density), and if the blob satisfies all these criteria, a maximum score of 3 is awarded. Once the complete domain has been scanned, a list of trees is generated from all blobs with this maximum score. The threshold value is then lowered by one, the blob-mask reset to zero, and the process begins again. A second mask image (tree mask) is updated with all blob pixels, which prevents searching in these regions during subsequent cycles. The process continues until the minimum threshold value is reached, with the final output being an ASCII file with the ID, X Coordinate, Y Coordinate of all the trees. This is the file which is the input data source for ArcView. Coordinate transformation between real world and pixel coordinates is achieved by reference to the TIFF image World File, which must be present.

A detailed explanation of our implementation of this algorithm, including source code (C++) and documentation, is available from

The Role of ArcView

So how does ArcView help once we have a DLL which works? By using ArcView and Avenue we are able to avoid developing functions from scratch to perform the following: These functions are best illustrated by looking at some typical examples in the sections below.

Data Selection and Preparation

In order to identify trees in OliCount, you will need at least one TIFF image and a theme (polygon shapefile) containing at least one parcel. Upon loading of a selected parcel theme, fields are automatically added to store the total count of trees for that parcel. The operator has to select a field which uniquely identifies individual parcels.

Any images which are loaded automatically have a footprint theme created, i.e. a rectangular polygon for each image which defines the geographic extent. The polygon has the image pathname as an attribute, and is used to automatic spatial selection of images according to the selected parcel(s). In the current implementation, it is assumed that all images coincide exactly, without overlap or gaps. The example below shows a typical parcel, with image boundary lines shown in red. In this case the algorithm will be used 3 times, once for each image in which the selected parcel shares the same geographic space. All three individual results are automatically merged, so that the operator considers only the parcel, and not the arbitrary tiling of image files.
A Typical Parcel

Setting Parameters

A default set of parameters used by OTCount is set once OliCount is started. These parameters can then be changed manually, which is often the case for experienced operators, or via a "training" set of known trees.

Parameters Dialog

Training Trees

In the latter case, the OTValues DLL automatically evaluates the grey value and size parameters from the circles representing tree crowns digitised on screen by the operator. Throughout the OliCount session, a separate window displays a sub-image at a fixed scale of 1:800, centred on the area currently displayed in the main OliCount window. Although somewhat simplistic, with the operator restricted to identifying candidate trees as circles, this is a quick and easy way of obtaining suitable diameter and threshold values.

Select the parcel(s)

Once a parcel has been selected using the standard ArcView tool, OTCount can be launched with the current parameter set and the current geographic extent. Multiple parcels can be selected using SHIFT-Select.

Call OTCount

The performance of OTCount varies according to the geographic extent of the selected parcel(s), the TIFF image size and the range between the minimum / maximum threshold values (which determines the number of cycles in the iterative thresholding process). The resulting comma-separated values (.csv) file is loaded as a Table in ArcView and converted to a temporary point shapefile. This is then automatically clipped according to the parcel polygon(s) and displayed as a point theme called "Active Parcel(s) Olive Trees". At any given time, only one count may be active - it must be accepted or rejected before moving on to another parcel. The diagram below shows the initial OTCount result for the complete rectangle in yellow, with the clipped parcel result in red. Trees outside the parcel are automatically deleted.
Unclipped and Clipped Result

Accept / reject or edit the results

So how well did OTCount perform? We cannot expect to automatically count all the trees all the time, so immediate acceptance of a result is rare. If the count looks really bad, we can reject it completely, and maybe use different parameters for a re-count. Or, more often, there is a small proportion of trees that have not been identified which we can add, or some which OTCount may have mistakenly identified, which we want to delete. Since our result is now a shapefile, we can make it editable, and add or delete trees as required.
Manually Editing Trees

For subsequent monitoring and quality control, each tree is tagged with a code which indicates how it was identified (automatic / manual), and whether it was selected for deletion. We can then analyse how well the algorithm has performed.

Commit the results

Once we have finished editing, the results are saved to a master database, which may cover a whole region with many individual parcels. At the time of committing, a spatial join is performed between the olive trees (points) and the parcel(s) polygons. In this way each tree stores its parent parcel as an attribute. Similarly, each parcel is tagged with the total count, with separate counts for automatic and operator identified trees. It is these totals which are essential for the comparison with the number of trees declared by a farmer for subsidy payments.

Our "master database" is actually another shapefile, but of course as we are dealing with points, these could just as easily be managed in an ODBC table, which would be more effective in an operational environment.

Benefits of DLL Integration

DLL's are an excellent way of extending the capabilities of ArcView. Despite a few initial teething problems, our experience with OliCount shows they are flexible and fast, and can be called easily using Avenue. ArcView can be used as the interface to set the values for the various parameters and work with the results, and there are many many other applications beyond that described here which can be developed in the same way. The benefits we have identified can be summarised as follows: One limitation we identified was the fact that a maximum of 12 parameters can be passed to a DLL using Avenue - we needed more than this and therefore used lists of grouped parameters in a known order, which the DLL broke down into the individual parameters.

Conclusions and Potential Future Developments

OliCount began as a means of demonstrating our work on tree recognition, and subsequent interest from across Europe showed that GIS is an essential aspect of the enormous task being faced. Although conceived and developed as a prototype, it has sparked off a number of initiatives which mean that the algorithm is used operationally in Italy, and is under test in France. With this in mind, we continue to support the agricultural administrations of the countries involved, and are investigating the following specific developments in the future:

Author Information

Steve Peedell
TERMA Elektronik Italia
GIS Manager
Agricultural Information Systems Unit
Space Applications Institute
Joint Research Centre of the European Communities
I-21020 Ispra (VA)
Telephone: +39 332 786153
Fax: +39 332 789074

Simon Kay
Agricultural Information Systems Unit
Space Applications Institute
Joint Research Centre of the European Communities
I-21020 Ispra (VA)
Telephone: +39 332 789702
Fax: +39 332 789936

Dr. Giovanna Giardino
Harlequin Group
United Kingdom