Henrico County, Virginia, is in the process of implementing an enterprisewide GIS program. The County has contracted for the delivery of state-of-the-art photogrammetric databases. The intent of this presentation is to detail how these databases will be created and how Henrico County, Virginia, plans to use these modern photogrammetric databases. These innovative databases are categorized into several mapping disciplines: (1) aerial photography, (2) survey control, (3) Digital Terrain Model (DTM), (4) photogrammetry, (5) metadata, and (6) digital ortho display. Actual deliverables that will be demonstrated by using Esri software include
ArcInfo flight line index (photo-center coverage)
ArcInfo control point coverage with GPS attributes and metadata
ArcView GIS application with hot linked photographs of each survey position
ArcInfo coverage of the stereo-model limits
DTM in an ArcInfo point coverage
ASCII file of DTM
ArcView CATI (Catalog Imager) of resampled digital orthos at multiple resolutions
ArcInfo coverage of tile layout and index map
Alfredo Carlos Frauenfelder
County of Henrico
P.O. Box 27032
Richmond, VA23273-7032
Telephone: 804-501-5769
Fax: 804-501-4545