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Tactical Made Practical: How the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Uses Off-the-Shelf GIS Technology to Assist the Officer on Patrol
Track:  Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Author:   Dan Helms
Deborah Marie Lairmore
A robust GIS has long been a staple of modern crime analysis; however, the tactical applications of GIS have often been overlooked by analysts who enjoy its strategic and administrative benefits. The LVMPD has developed a successful tactical approach to crime analysis that heavily integrates one of the country's largest GIS enterprises. Three case studies demonstrate the way this system is used to help patrol officers, investigators, and special units do their job better than ever.

Dan Helms
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
400 E Stewart (City Hall)
Las Vegas, NV89101

Telephone: (702) 229-4077
Fax: (702) 386-6941