GeoNODE is being featured for our use of ArcView Tracking Analyst in an upcoming Esri magazine (reported by Karen Hurlbut).
GeoNODE is a MITRE project combining geospatial/temporal visualizations, information retrieval, multimedia broadcast news technology, data mining, and information fusion technologies to support browsing, analysis, and rapid inference from multiple sources. Our objective is to demonstrate an increase in end-to-end throughput and quality in event analysis by providing interactive geospatial/temporal visualizations.
GeoNODE is sponsored by Bob Sullivan (DARPA ISO), in cooperation with Allen Sears (DARPA ITO). The basic goal is to bring to bear existing MITRE activities (BNN, Alembic, Data Mining, and MSIIA) while adding a visualization component. The initial GeoNODE system demonstrates an initial attempt to pull together existing MITRE technologies and establish viable research directions. The system illustrates a new class of system using natural language processing, news domains, and data mining to perform event analysis over temporal and geographic dimensions.
Rob Hyland
202 Burlington Rd
Bedford, MA01730-1420
Telephone: (781) 271-7648