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 Single-Server Architecture for Large Utility GIS
Track:  Electric and Gas
Author:   Robert A. Wallace
PP&L, Inc., has changed from a multitier system architecture to an architecture that uses one HP V2250 server as both the data and application server. Before selecting this architecture, PP&L, with participation from Esri, Miner and Miner, and Hewlett-Packard, conducted tests using actual users that demonstrated that this architecture would support more than 100 concurrent users of Miner and Miner's POWERTOOLS applications. The times for ArcStorm checkouts and check-ins were reduced, and the performance of basic ArcInfo tasks such as redraw, pan, and zoom was also improved dramatically.

Robert A. Wallace
Pennsylvania Power and Light, Inc.
2 North Ninth Street
Allentown, PA18101

Telephone: 610-774-7077
Fax: 610-774-6450