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Using Fagacity and Dispersion Models and GIS to Investigate Toxic Chemical Release from Industrial Parks in Taiwan
Track:  Environmental Management
Author:   Jao-Jia Horng
Bing-Kun Chang
Ming-Lu Shih
This work applied the study results of an ROC EPA investigation on toxic chemical release from two industrial parks. A chemical fagacity model was used to analyze the possible chemical distribution across air, water, soil, and sediment compartments. Then, the analysis by dispersion model and GIS were compared with the monitoring data. Further development would involve the risk assessment of the nearby area with sensitive groups (schools, colleges, etc.) by applying GIS tools.

Jao-Jia Horng
National Yulin University of Science and Technology
123 University Road Section 3
Taiwan 640, ROC

Telephone: 011-886-5-534-2601 ext. 4418
Fax: 011-886-5-531-2069