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Database-Driven Cartography with CPS Components on Top of ArcInfo Version 8
Track:  Cartography and Map Production
Author:   Asa Carlsson
Does ArcInfo 8 cover all needs for cartographers? That is a question we have asked ourselves since we first heard about the new approach to GIS unlike any available. T-Kartor presents components for cartographic departments and enterprises built on top of ArcInfo 8. Cartographics Production System (CPS) today is a user-friendly database-driven map production system built on top of ArcInfo 7. Strong features of CPS are project management, theme handling, strong work flow management, and database access. CPS also has a powerful database manager based on ArcStorm: the MDB-PDB model. The challenge for T-Kartor and other cartographic enterprises is solving these tasks in ArcInfo 8 using object-oriented programming techniques and/or databases.

Asa Carlsson
T-Kartor Sweden AB
Box 5097
Kristianstad, S-291 05

Telephone: +46 44 206803
Fax: +46 44 128256