In the last decade there have been dramatic changes in the rural landscape of Hong Kong. One of most evident changes is the frenetic conversion of fallow fields into open storage uses. Open storage uses refers to those containers, construction materials, scraps, and wrecked cars that are deposited in these former cultivated lands. The huge profit in leasing the land and the low agricultural return have rendered many landowners, who are too willing to sublet their agricultural land, to serve such a purpose. The materials are not unwanted but just are too space-consuming to be accommodated in conventional warehouses, which often charge excessively. Each year a huge agricultural area is engulfed by these open storage uses. The sprawl of these activities has destroyed the rural beauty of the landscape and impinged on areas of ecological importance. The demand for storage space is an inevitable consequence of the economic activity of Hong Kong. To resolve this, these materials can be accommodated in a designated area where better provisions are facilitated to manage and store them. GIS and its overlay analysis will be employed to identify these designated areas. With GIS's "what if?" modeling that allows flexibility in change, the process of site identification can be expedited so as to yield feasible sites for a preliminary assessment.
Shuk-han Ann Mak
University of Hong Kong
Dept. of Geography & Geology,
University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road,,
Hong Kong
Telephone: 852-2859-2311
Fax: 852-2559-8994