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 Bivariate Mapping in ArcView GIS
Track:  Cartography and Map Production
Author:   Lin Liu
changming Du
Bivariate mapping is an important type of mapping technique in computer cartography. Given a set of geographic features, it maps two variables on a single map by combining two different sets of graphic symbols. However, few desktop GIS software packages, including ArcView GIS, provide functions for bivariate mapping. An Avenue script named Bivarleg.ave, intended for bivariate mapping and downloadable from Esri's Web site, merely displays one variable with two sets of symbols. This article introduces a creative way to produce true bivariate maps for point, line, and polygon features. It has been successfully implemented in a complex Avenue script. Examples of all three types of bivariate maps will be illustrated.

Lin Liu
University of Cincinnati
Swift Hall, 714H
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH45221-0131

Telephone: (513) 556-3429
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