This paper will illustrate how the GIS environment, along with 3D modeling tools, can help illustrate levels of demand for community services. A combination of planning techniques and GIS tools aid in the investigation of development impacts and the supply of public services and/or facilities.
In order to examine how GIS can be used in this arena, two case studies will be depicted. The first case study is a model designed for aiding in a planning process called the Franklin Township Needs Assessment sponsored by the Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development, Division of Planning. The paper will convey a methodology for applying the GIS environment to the measurement of educational service demand and how to investigate the sufficiency of service supply. Specifically, the paper will cover the appropriate inputs and measurement tools to compile for a database to investigate levels of service in school service supply. Then the paper will illustrate how the results can be presented in a three-dimensional format to help convey a "picture" of how well the system is responding to demand.
The second case study is how a GIS-based methodology was used in estimating bicycle and pedestrian travel demand in certain areas of the Indianapolis Region. In the Indianapolis Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian System Plan, sponsored by the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization, a tool similar in method to the school service model was used in the evaluation of potential alternative transportation routes, and their appropriateness in responding to travel demand. Again, the paper will walk the reader through the steps in building the model and how an effective three-dimensional view of travel demand was used in the planning process.
Jeff L Siegel
HNTB Corporation
111 Monument Circle
Indianapolis, IN46204
Telephone: 317-636-4682
Fax: 317-633-0505