Author: Halkard E. Mackey
The Savannah River Site (SRS) in south central South Carolina has a valuable history of remote sensing data. Since the formation of SRS in 1951, remote sensing data has been used to assist with understanding the environmental effects of operations. Photography is available on a repeated basis from 1938 to 1998. Documentation of site facilities and waste site operations is included in this remarkable database. As GIS technologies have advanced, much of this historical record is now available online electronically for rapid retrieval and historical reviews of the several hundred waste units on SRS. As SRS moves to more emphasis on remediation, these historical databases become a portion of the baseline for waste site characterization and evaluation to permit faster and more efficient cleanup, closure, and monitoring of SRS.
Halkard E. Mackey
Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Aiken, SC29808
Telephone: 83-952-6898
Fax: 803-952-6849