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The Construction of Hydrography Structured Network in Multiscale Representations
Track:  Water Resources
Author:   Tinghua Ai
In ARC/INFO multiscale representation of river features, the key problem is to construct a river structured tree network that describes the hierarchic relation between different river streams including mother stream and child stream. This paper presents a method of creation of a river network based on the ARC/INFO route management subsystem. The first step is to produce route elements by arc linking, and the second is to build the network relationship among routes according to stream intersection event label location. The provided approach has good experimental effect on multiscale representation of river features.

Tinghua Ai
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping (WTUSM)
129 Luyou Road, Wuhan, Hubei, China P.R.
Wuhan, Hubei, China, P.R., 430079
Hubei, Wuhan, China,P.R.

Telephone: +86-27-87409433