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Customizing GIS for the Non-GIS User: Orange County United Way GIS
Track:  Application Development
Author:   Daniel J. Walsh
John Carroll
In Orange County, California, the United Way distributes $16.6 million to over 100 agencies. The decision making process traditionally had not taken into account distribution of services, resources, and demographics. Any GIS implementation must serve varied users with no GIS training. At the same time, the information is available to local colleges and universities that are experienced with GIS and can perform higher-end analysis. Using a custom ArcView GIS interface, users can access data on multiple variables and service providers in the County either with the unadorned, simplified interface or with the standard, and more powerful and complex, GIS interface.

Daniel J. Walsh
California State University, Fullerton
800 N State College Blvd
Fullerton, CA92831

Telephone: 714/278-7002
Fax: 714/278-2549