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WYSIWYG Mapping--Maps That Reflect Your Interpretation of Reality
Track:  Business Geographics
Author:   Donn Walklet
Maps change the way people view their world. But maps reflect someone else's perception of reality, not the user's view. Maps are derived from imagery, but mapmakers record only what they feel is important and discard the rest. This paradigm is changing with digital imagery, mapping software over the Internet, and off-the-shelf data of all kinds. Now people can create custom maps based on their own interpretation of the data. This paper explores the impact these changes will have for mainstream businesses and consumers and discusses the probable markets that will benefit first and most from the resulting evolution.

Donn Walklet
The MapFactory
3000 Oak Road
Suite 200
Walnut Creek, CA94596

Telephone: (925) 280-8765
Fax: (925) 280-8760