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 Real-Time Sensor Data Input in GIS-Based Systems
Track:  New Technology and Technology Integration
Author:   John Carrol Shovic
April Ann Caldwell
The next decade may very well be the "Decade of the Sensor." The proliferation of inexpensive sensors for climate, environment, and position and the wide availability of remote sensing data from satellites are starting to dramatically change the way data is gathered and displayed. Because of the high computational nature of many GIS tasks, special thought is needed to integrate real-time data into GIS-based visualization and analysis systems. This paper focuses on the computational constraints and the data flow of real-time data in such a system. A prototype system has been constructed utilizing Esri's MapObjects in C++.

John Carrol Shovic
Washington State University
Spokane Street
Pullman, WA99164-2752

Telephone: 509-335-2126
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