Author: Denise L. Smith
Facilities management is a primary function on military installations. As resources shrink it is imperative to use available technologies to streamline business practices, increase productivity, and centralize information to continue providing customer service. Using team concepts to build an enterprise GIS has produced joint ownership and a quality product used in daily business functions within the organization. Assigning subject matter experts as the ultimate managing authority for information, both tabular and graphic, associated with a theme reduces data redundancy and inconsistency. Our enterprise GIS can be described as the "skeleton" to which application "muscles" have been or will be added. These application "muscles" include using existing relational databases whenever possible or, if the database does not exist, developing one from user requirements; developing links to share information in department electronic document libraries; automating routine work processes related to the GIS maintenance; and distributing information through an Intranet. The primary goal of this GIS is to provide up-to-date information to the user at the desktop to support mission requirements in a cost-effective environment.
Denise L. Smith
U.S. Marine Corps
Bldg 286
PSC Box 8006
Cherry Point, NC28533-0006
Telephone: 252-466-4524
Fax: 252-466-4891