Despite increased recognition of wetland functions and values, wetland loss and degradation continue in the United States. Digital wetland and upland coverages were analyzed to compare the cumulative impacts of humans and beaver (Castor canadensis) on wetland types in the Chickahominy River watershed (Virginia, USA) from 1953 to 1994. A vector-based approach was used for data manipulation, and a raster-based approach was chosen to analyze geographic change over time. Study findings indicated that anthropogenic activities were responsible for both wetland loss and gain in the watershed, and beavers substantially influenced shifting between wetland types. Wetlands increased 4 percent over 41 years.
Alexandra Dunya Syphard
Virginia Commonwealth University
4720 Redland Dr.
San Diego, CA92115
Telephone: 804-828-7202
Fax: 804-225-3559