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 Online GIS Education: Adding Online Materials and Assignments to Your Courses While Keeping Course Maintenance to a Minimum
Track:  Universities and Higher Education
Author:   Jonathan Candy
The BCIT GIS Department is now providing an online component to the GIS advanced diploma courses. This paper focuses on how to develop and maintain online courses while continuing to offer courses in the traditional classroom format, and yet keep the faculty workload increase to a minimum. WebCT is used as the courseware software delivery tool. All course material is developed independently of the courseware product. Three types of courses have been developed. The most simple online course just provides lecture notes, lab modules, and self-test quizzes. The intermediate online courses include assignments and marking. The third type of course is full "distance education" with no campus attendance required.

Jonathan Candy
British Columbia Institute of Technology
3700 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, V5G 3H2
BC, Canada

Telephone: 604-432-8378
Fax: 604-435-3561