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 Nonpoint Source Pollution Modeling in the North Coast of California Within a GIS: A Predictive Screening Tool for Watershed Management
Track:  Ecology, Conservation, and Archaeology
Author:   Joshua Viers
Michael McCoy
Michael L. Johnson
The John Muir Institute for the Environment, at UC Davis, is using Esri ArcInfo and ArcView GIS to develop a predictive model of roadway-generated sediment. This research project, located in the Navarro River watershed, is significant in two respects. One, the Navarro River is identified as a USEPA Total Maximum Daily Load watershed, thus requiring the specific identification and quantification of nonpoint source inputs. Two, the watershed is critical habitat to coho salmon and steelhead, both federally threatened anadromous salmonids. This GIS-based model will help managers, specifically Caltrans, better identify and mitigate water quality problems.

Joshua Viers
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA95616

Telephone: 530-752-0532
Fax: 530-752-3350