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 Data Development for Biophysical and Socioeconomic Analysis of Long Branch Watershed
Track:  Environmental Management
Author:   Dave Connett
The Long Branch Geographic Analysis System (LBGAS) will form the primary data/information management system for the Long Branch Watershed Assessment. LBGAS will synthesize data needed for assessing biophysical and socioeconomic conditions in the 70,000-acre Long Branch watershed in northeast Missouri and facilitate analysis of factors influencing water quality in Long Branch Reservoir. Data will be assembled and evaluated using geographic information systems, remote sensing, and other information management technologies. This project will provide science-based information to local communities and decision makers so they can effectively address water quality issues and work together to develop sustainable solutions to water quality issues at the local level.

Dave Connett
Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems
200 Mumford Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO65211

Telephone: (573)882-1644
Fax: (573)884-2199