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Economic Analysis of GIS in Fire Incident Management
Track:  EMS/Fire/Disaster Management
Author:   Paul E. Hardwick
Bruce Fox
Dorothy Albright
Pacific Meridian Resources is working with the USDA Forest Service and other parties to identify the tangible contributions of GIS in fire incident management. The project identifies GIS contributions and quantifies them. The primary focus is on quantifiable economic values, but other noneconomic and non quantifiable benefits such as human safety and more effective communication with the public are also reviewed. The project report provides both testimonial evidence and economically sound analysis of the benefits of GIS. The final report will form the basis for a multimedia presentation to be produced by the Forest Service demonstrating the results of the analysis.

Paul E. Hardwick
Pacific Meridian Resources
182 South 600 East
Salt Lake City, UT84102

Telephone: 801-325-1006
Fax: 801-325-1009