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A Framework for Multiscalar Ecosystem Management and Valuation: An Application to the Upper Chattahoochee River Watershed
Track:  Ecology, Conservation, and Archaeology
Author:   Jeremy Thomas
John C Bergstrom
Rakesh Malhotra
The proper management of resources in the southeastern U.S. national forests is important because the increased demand for such areas has threatened them due to overcrowding. Using ArcView Spatial Analyst, we intend to apply economic, ecological, and geographical data to select, rank, and measure the value of possible campground expansion in the Upper Chattahoochee River watershed of the Chattahoochee National Forest. The selection of new sites thus includes comprehensive multidisciplinary information to obtain a viable and efficient solution. Such a study is critical in order for managers to make informed decisions to protect the future of national forests.

Jeremy Thomas
University of Georgia
214, Conner Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA30602

Telephone: (706)-546-9759
Fax: (706)-542-7139