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 Big Brother Is Watching!! Real-Time Tracking of Municipal Employees Is a Reality!!
Track:  State and Local Government
Author:   David Chambers
The City of Aurora, Colorado, is using GIS along with GPS and CDPD technology to track municipal employee movements and measure employee productivity in real time. City street sweepers and snowplows are tracked in real time using an automated vehicle location and tracking system installed by Orbital Sciences Corporation. The Aurora Esri GIS database is used with the Orbital application. A MapObjects-based platform is used to display vehicle location and status. ArcView GIS tools are used to analyze street sweeping and snow removal routes for more efficient operations. Employee productivity is also measured and used as a basis for employee compensation.

David Chambers
City of Aurora
15740 E. 32nd Avenue
Aurora, CO80011

Telephone: 303-361-2970
Fax: 303-360-0828