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 Transportation Symphony: A Melody of Design Data and GIS Interface
Track:  Transportation and Logistics
Author:   Ed Krum
Geographic information and design applications at the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) are numerous and diverse. Most applications and data sets have been developed independently in isolated environments. Existing design and spatial data has varying degrees of accuracy and inconsistent associations with nonspatial transportation information system (TIS) data. The GIS team at Mn/DOT's Metropolitan Division is prototyping methods to harmonize current systems. The prototype explores methodologies for collecting high-accuracy GIS data and ensuing relationships with the enterprise TIS. The proof-of-concept is demonstrated with an ArcView GIS extension created by the GIS team.

Ed Krum
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Water's Edge
1500 West County Road B-2
Roseville, MN55113

Telephone: 651.582.1729
Fax: 651.582-1496