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 Integrating GIS and Remote Sensing with Urban Hydrology
Track:  Water Resources
Author:   Xiaohui Zhang
George Ball
Phil Guertin
An integrated system to improve urban hydrologic modeling with GIS, remote sensing (RS), and hydrologic simulation is presented. Satellite images for a highly developed urban area were used to automatically acquire land use information. Next, GIS derived the distributed hydrologic parameters from processed satellite images, incorporated with a GIS spatial database. GIS organized the input files for a distributed hydrologic simulation. The paper demonstrates the characteristics of an RS- and GIS-based urban hydrologic simulation. Techniques to model urban drainage with a large database are discussed. A user-friendly interface was developed for supporting design and management.

Xiaohui Zhang
University of Arizona
BSE Building, Room 204, SRNR
Tucson, AZ85721

Telephone: 520-621-7275
Fax: 520-626-7401