Pierce County has had a successful enterprise GIS implementation available for several years called CountyView. County users access the application over a wide area network (WAN). This implementation has met the needs of those who can access the WAN with high-speed connections, T1 or better. Due to the large amount of data, over 200 data layers, slower speed connections make using CountyView a painful experience when other County agencies and municipalities outside the high-speed WAN have a desire to use it. Finding other ways of distributing the application to these users has become a necessity. ArcView IMS has been seen as a possible way to leverage the work already done in developing CountyView, while using the Intranet to distribute the application. The generic MapCafe application is a step in that direction, but much more customization is needed to create an application similar in scope to CountyView. This paper will discuss the trials and tribulations (i.e., challenges of creating such an application) and the successes encountered along the way. Examples of the development phases will be shown.
Stan Grochowski
Pierce County GIS
615 S. 9th St
Tacoma, WA98405-4666
Telephone: 253.798.2916
Fax: 253.798.6622