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 GeoSpatial Waterbody System: California Implementation, User Benefits, and Future Directions
Track:  GIS Organization and Management
Author:   Jill Kearney
Joshua Viers
Karen Willet
In response to water quality reporting mandated by the Clean Water Act, the Information Center for the Environment (ICE) at the University of California, Davis developed the GeoSpatial Waterbody System (GeoWBS). State-wide implementation and training of GeoWBS occurred throughout 1998. Through on-site support, ICE remedied hardware and software problems and assisted agency personnel in the use of a more spatially refined system. In addition to better water quality reporting, user benefits include increased spatial accuracy, standardized data compilation, map generation, and improved analyses. Future goals for GeoWBS include integration with the National Hydrography Dataset and several new federal relational databases.

Jill Kearney
University of California, Davis
1 Shields Ave.
Davis, CA95616

Telephone: (530) 752-0532
Fax: (530) 752-3350