The system, designed to be a watershed management tool, can analyze actual situations and simulate scenarios that may occur in the basin. It is made of the following parts, working integrated and interatively: (1) GIS and a database, which holds current information on all relevant aspects of water resources management, as well as projections for expected area development and water use evolution; (2) physical (hydrologic and water quality) simulation models, which allow the evaluation of water quantity and quality; and (3) an economic simulation model, which addresses the investments needed for water resources conservation and improvement and incomes from water use taxes.
Alceu Guerios Bittencourt
COBRAPE (Cia Brasileira de Projetos e Empreendimentos)
Rua Cap. Antonio Rosa, 406
Sao Paulo, 01443-010
Telephone: 55-11-8818055
Fax: 55-11-8818055