Naval Air Station Point Mugu has over 20 years of data representing the location and areal extent of federal and State endangered plant species. Over the course of time, this data has been collected by a variety of monitors. Each
monitor used a different scale of basemap and captured the data with a different level of accuracy. Our current data is collected using GPS and is quite accurate. The discussion in this paper/presentation will center on our efforts to convert this historic data to GIS format. This will include problems encountered with scale, georeferencing, and data capture; issues concerning
editing of the resulting polygons (do we really want to show the plants growing on the road?); and efforts to determine whatanalysis, if any, can legitimately be done using this data as one data set.
Barbara Ball
University of Arizona
Bio East 203B
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ85721
Telephone: 520.621.7270
Fax: 520.621.8801