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INVECTRA (Integrated Vector Raster Application) Digital Target Workstation
Track:  Defense and Intelligence
Author:   Royal W. Koepsell
INVECTRA was developed to support the creation of digital target folders to meet the standards of the Joint Digital Target Materials Concept of Operations. The system was built to support two levels of operation: production and war fighter. The production version includes product management and image and target processing and the war fighter version, built on ArcView GIS 3.1, provides the target folder to the end user. The digital target folder includes overlays generated from intelligence database queries and shapefile creation. This allows dynamic target folder updates that keep up with the dynamic operational and intelligence activities affecting target engagement.

Royal W. Koepsell
Logicon Geodynamics
5450 Tech Center Drive
Colorado Springs, CO80919

Telephone: 719-590-4380
Fax: 719-594-6695