Mass movement phenomena are very frequent in the south region of Santafé de Bogotá. These phenomena have different origins. Due to the susceptibility of people, the economy, and the infrastructure it is necessary to identify, evaluate, and map these phenomena.
This paper shows a method for large-scale mass movement hazard zonation in a Santafé de Bogotá area. This method is useful for geologists, engineers, and planners in their tasks in developing the urban zones of the country. This method was developed using the ARC GRID module from ArcInfo software.
This hazard model takes into consideration the intrinsic susceptibility to slope failure and the trigger factors that may destabilize the slope as well as establishes the relationship that may exist between stable forces and unstable forces through the security factor.
The safety factor was defined for different scenarios according to critical parameters such as climatic conditions and seismic activity using various return periods.
To define the degree of the hazard in each zone it was necessary to express the safety factor in probability terms and classify the failure probability map. Human activity is the most remarkable trigger factor for mass movement in the study area. This anthropic factor increases the probability of failure.
The GIS assisted the whole modeling process from input variables to spatial interpolation to generation of a mass movement hazard zonation map. This tool shows its potential for data manipulation, updating attributes, and making complex calculations. It gives great detail because of the large grid cells as a minimum work unit. The use of the ARC GRID module increases the speed of calculations and gives the possibility to test multiple scenarios to get accurate products.
Beatriz Elena Alzate Atehortua
National University of Colombia
Cl. 42 A # 83-85 int.1 apto. 306
Santa Fe de Bogotá,
Telephone: (571)4167025