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The Digital Library: Providing Access at the Municipal Level
Track:  Metadata and Data Publishing
Author:   Caroline Anne Wright
Derrick Burke
Kevin Stewart
Computers are now commonplace in the work environment. As such, there is increasing pressure being placed upon organizations to produce and obtain data in digital form. The demand is coming from users in a wide range of fields including traditional and nontraditional spatial data users. Within the field of GIS there is increasing interest in the formulation of digital libraries. This project aims to bring the concept of the digital library to the municipal level. By allowing access to this data over the WWW, public and private groups will have access to comprehensive, local digital data.

Caroline Anne Wright
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC28223-0001

Telephone: 704 547 2881
Fax: 704 547 3182