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 Agri-FACTs: A Web-Based GIS Decision Support Tool for the Farmer
Track:  Agriculture
Author:   Vernon Thomas
Robert M. Aiken
William Waltman
Farmers in the central Great Plains require accurate spatial information to assess land suitability for alternative cropping systems. Agri-FACTs (Agricultural Farm Analysis and Comparison Tool) is a Web-based GIS application providing convenient access to soils and weather data supporting suitability analysis of cropping system alternatives. This tool supports ongoing collaboration among ARS, NRCS, and university scientists, along with CIESIN personnel, to integrate agro-ecozone modeling with cropping systems research for future risk assessment applications.

Vernon Thomas
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
PO Box 2027
Fort Collins, CO80522-2027

Telephone: (970) 490-8387
Fax: (970) 490-8399