Time varying, three-dimensional, groundwater flow models generate large complex output files that are difficult to analyze. Conventionally, the output data is analyzed using two-dimensional (maps) and one-dimensional (graphs) tools. This paper presents the use of the ArcView 3D Analyst extension to animate time-varying three-dimensional groundwater model output, specifically draw-down. In this study, the entire time-varying draw-down output file was loaded into the attribute table of a model shapefile and then a three-dimensional scene was created by assigning the base height property of the shapefile to a temporary field. An Avenue program was developed using the ArcView GIS scripting language and then used to overwrite the temporary field with each successive step in the time series giving the effect of animating the data in the three-dimensional scene. This technique can be used to animate time-varying data such as water level, stream flow, and compaction.
Steven K Predmore
5735 Kearny Villa Road, Suite O
San Diego, CA92123
Telephone: 619-637-6853
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