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 MUTATE: GIS Training on the Web
Track:  GIS on the Internet
Author:   Joao Ribeiro da Costa
Rodrigo Oliveira
As GIS becomes pervasive and part of the daily operations of an increasing number of businesses and government activities, the need for training grows exponentially. To address this need, MUTATE, Multimedia Tools for Advanced GIS Training in Europe, an R&D project funded by the Educational Multimedia Task Force of the European Union, emerged from the practical experience of a multinational team of SMEs and universities and created an innovative and comprehensive GIS program on the Web. The audience is professionals with very special requirements including high-quality course content, time constraints, access to recognized experts in the area, and ultimately a certificate that is recognized in the marketplace. This paper presents the pedagogical, design, and computational aspects of the MUTATE tools and introduces the contents of the program.

Joao Ribeiro da Costa
Ed UNINOVA, Quinta da Torre
Monte de Caparica, 28252825

Telephone: 351 1 2943713
Fax: 351 1 2943710