In the postwar period Electricity of Lebanon (EDL) was facing the consequences of the war that extended over approximately 17 years. EDL was simply lagging behind in terms of information technology and resources. Geographic Information Systems Electricity of Lebanon (GISEL) was the project EDL looked for to help overcome the existing problems in the company. One main problem EDL was facing was collection management. This included the following: Not being able to track collections on the ground, not being able to trace the link between customers and the electrical network, not having the means to track or improve the work of the collectors on the ground and thus improve revenues, no means to detect illegal power tapping, no means to query customers for specific electrical information, and no means to track the flow of electricity from transmission level (substations) to distribution level (customers). In brief the challenge was to reduce technical and nontechnical losses to acceptable international standards, which currently are abnormally high.
Tony Wakim
Khatib & Alami
Daoud Larian Building Mazraa Blvd.
Telephone: 961-1-603315
Fax: 961-1-603301