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 Importance of MdProperty View for the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program
Track:  State and Local Government
Author:   Shabaz Raza
Mike Lettre
As part of Census 2000, the U.S. Census Bureau has developed a program with local governments to review the census master address list. The objective of this Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) program is to improve the accuracy and completeness of the Census Bureau's master address file before mailing the census questionnaire in March 2000. The Maryland Office of Planning is the principal agency providing technical assistance to 18 counties and their municipalities participating in the Census Bureau's 1998 LUCA program. The Office of Planning has developed ArcView GIS-based project files as a supplemental LUCA CD-ROM (using ARC/INFO and ArcView GIS software as primary software) that works with its State-wide property database called MdProperty View. The LUCA CD-ROM contains the 1990 census block and LUCA housing counts linked to the block boundary map and the residential parcel data highlighting both pre- and post-1990 developments for each block. Using these products from the Maryland Office of Planning, jurisdictions can readily generate a list of property addresses for a census block that can then be compared to the Census Bureau's list of addresses for that corresponding block.

Shabaz Raza
Maryland Office of Planning
301 West preston St.
Baltimore, MD21201

Telephone: 410-767-4474
Fax: 410-767-4480