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 That's Not How You're Supposed to Use GIS!--Rethinking GIS as an Administrative Tool at a Major University
Track:  Universities and Higher Education
Author:   Grant McCormick
Craig Wissler
This presentation outlines steps taken to establish an administrative system for managing spatial data related to the University of Arizona campus in Tucson, Arizona. Experiences to date include - Campuswide education, outreach, and coordination - A survey project resulting in a GIS basemap and digital orthophotos - Applications development (campus planning, collaboration with academic departments) Discussion issues will include both organizational topics (e.g., the lack of precedent for using GIS at such a detailed scale, resistance to new technology/methods, resistance to integrating systems/data, budgeting), and technical topics (e.g., distribution of data, network issues, coordinate registration).

Grant McCormick
University of Arizona
888 N. Euclid, #202
Tucson, AZ85721-0158

Telephone: 520-626-4416
Fax: 520-621-9243