Author: Harriet D. Rector
James C. Ascough II
Brenda G. Faber
Present-day precision agriculture warrants the necessity of automated systems for managing farm data and associated attributes. Agricultural producers who use precision farming techniques are requesting development of GIS software applications to analyze spatial data. The Farm Spatial Data Management System (FSDMS) is an ArcView GIS 3.1 tool developed to manage and analyze spatially oriented agricultural data and facilitate GIS linkage to the USDA-ARS GPFARM decision support system (DSS). The FSDMS system provides both pre- and postprocessing of spatially oriented GPFARM data. This paper focuses on general application of the FSDMS system and describes how it integrates with the GPFARM DSS.
Harriet D. Rector
USDA Agricultural Research Service
301 S. Howes St.
Federal Building
Fort Collins, CO80522
Telephone: 970-490-8331
Fax: 970-490-8310