Examples of how 23 police departments in Texas are using GIS based on a 1998 telephone/fax survey of all 45 Texas police departments (PDs) with 100 or more officers will be presented. The survey responses indicate (1) extent of use, (2) duration of use, (3) purpose to which GIS is used, (4) basemap used, (5) software used, (6) platforms/operating systems used, (7) who in department are users, and (8) other technologies used (GPS, computer-aided dispatching, etc.). The responses to these and six other questions are analyzed and correlated with departmental factors.
Mark Ragnar Leipnik
Sam Houston State University
1901 Ave J
Huntsville, TX77341-2148
Telephone: (409) 294-3698
Fax: (409) 294-3940