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 911 Call Location Information System
Track:  EMS/Fire/Disaster Management
Author:   Chang Hak Hahm
The main function is to display the correct location of a fire or accident. The ANI/ALI, which is a part of the 911 system through RPC and DDE, uses PowerBuilder to display the address of a location. It displays a radius of 25 meters, 50 meters, and 100 meters on a map, using the U.S. single house zone of geocoding. It also displays the shortest path to a fire or accident. In the case of fire, along with the map, a building attribute card is displayed describing the building size, history, capacity, indoor facilities, etc. The system then classifies and sends a warning to each fire office by phone or fax.

Chang Hak Hahm
Inha Junior College
Inchun City, 402-752

Telephone: 82-32-870-2441
Fax: 82-32-870-2511