Author: Dale A. Lutz
MapWiz is an SDE 3.x based system built for PanCanadian Petroleum.
The system gives PanCanadian users the ability to extract grid, culture, and environmental data from a company wide, seamless SDE 3.x spatial database through their corporate Intranet. MapWiz is able to provide a single source for this information within the company for users of several desktop GIS and oil- and gas-specific mapping packages. Many non-GIS users are also exploiting the "intelligent images" capabilities of MapWiz.
The three major components of MapWiz are the database (SDE 3.x/Oracle), the data import/export layer (FME 2.2), and the data retrieval layer (FME 2.2/Java servlet technology) that enables users to order and view spatial data using Netscape Navigator on both UNIX and PC-based desktops.
MapWiz combines spatial and attribute data provided in a variety of formats and coordinate systems by PanCanadian's data suppliers.
For the first time at PanCanadian, anyone, anywhere, anytime can view and get access to spatial data in their area of interest and in the format of their desktop package. In addition, MapWiz has made it possible for an expanded group to make use of spatial information as part of their daily work flow.
Dale A. Lutz
Safe Software Inc.
7445 - 132nd St
Surrey, V3W 1J8
B.C. Canada
Telephone: (604) 501-9985
Fax: (604) 501-9965