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 Signs View: Customized Interface for Managing Traffic Control Signs on Public Roads
Track:  Application Development
Author:   Tanya Komogorova
Tom Blaine
Historically traffic engineers have been dependent on paper maps and files to perform inventory and maintenance activities on traffic control signs, with problematic success. Using geocorrected GPS signs inventory data, we developed a user-friendly interface (Signs View) that allows users to generate work orders and update and verify the sign inventory with the use of editing tools in ArcView GIS and SQL. The interface utilizes three components: Visual Basic, Access database, and ArcView GIS (Avenue). This paper focuses on the implementation of this system, interface functionality, and future development in the areas of data collection and maintenance tracking.

Tanya Komogorova
Bernalillo County Public Works Division
2400 Broadway SE
Albuquerque, NM87102

Telephone: 505-848-1579
Fax: 505-848-1510