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Study of Pollution in Walker's Pond and Surrounding Water Bodies
Track:  Water Resources
Author:   Jon Ezra Nichols
Alan D. Sills
The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of phosphates, nitrates, heavy metals, and fecal coliform in the water and sediments of Walker's pond and the streams that lead to and from the pond. The pond is approximately 30 yards wide and, as yet, of unknown depth. It is located in North Caldwell, a small community in Essex County, New Jersey. ArcView GIS software will be used to map the sample collection sites. The relationship between the location of these sites, the topography of the area, and sources of the pollution may be determined.

Jon Ezra Nichols
West Essex Regional High School
West Greenbrook Rd.
North Caldwell, NJ07006

Telephone: 9732282105