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Building Real-World Transportation Solutions Using MapObjects and NetEngine
Track:  Transportation and Logistics
Author:   Yichang (James) Tsai
Tim Quinn
Chien-Tai Yang
This paper focuses on how Esri's MapObjects and NetEngine components were used to develop a unique scheduling, ride matching, dispatching, and routing application for the Independent Transportation Network (ITN), a nonprofit volunteer-based transportation provider. The application will serve as a prototype to determine the feasibility of using GIS as an intelligent transportation system (ITS) alternative. If the software prototype and ITN model prove successful, the system could be deployed nationally by the Federal Transit Administration. A case study of how the application was developed and implemented and its expected potential will be given.

Yichang (James) Tsai
Georgia Institute of Technology
2nd Floor, 276 fifth st., NW
Atlanta, GA30332

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