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Oglethorpe Power Uses MapObjects IMS to Assist New Industry with Site Selection
Track:  Business Geographics
Author:   David Weinstein
Alan Spell
David Weinstein
The State of Georgia has a unique "customer choice" power arrangement that offers new and expanding businesses the opportunity to choose their power supplier in a competitive environment. To increase their market share, Oglethorpe Power works with potential customers to find available commercial sites and buildings within the State. Pacific Meridian Resources built a MapObjects Internet Map Server solution for Oglethorpe Power, which allows developers or businesses to search for available sites over the Internet using an interactive online map. Users also have access to site-specific information such as railway access, available acreage, building size, number of parking spaces, etc.

David Weinstein
Pacific Meridian Resources
5915 Hollis Street
Building B
Emeryville, CA94608

Telephone: (510) 654-6980
Fax: (510) 654-5770