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Balancing Military Land Use Needs with the Conservation of Natural Resources in San Diego County, California
Track:  Defense and Intelligence
Author:   David Quine
George Miller
MCAS Miramar is in the process of completing an Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP). The INRMP shows the interrelationships between individual components of natural resources management (e.g., vegetation, wetlands, fish and wildlife, public access), mission requirements, and other land use activities affecting MCAS Miramar's operational capabilities. Using existing maps and documents, aerial photography, and GPS, station personnel are able to identify and rank military land use needs, natural resources, and cultural resources. Each of these components is then entered into an ARC/INFO-based grid model that is used to produce habitat management areas for the installation.

David Quine
Dames & Moore
7500 N Dreamy Draw Drive
Phoenix, AZ85020

Telephone: 602-371-1110
Fax: 602-861-7431