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Maintaining Your Cadastral Data During GIS Implementation: A Plan for Transition to Online Maintenance
Track:  Cadastral and Land Records
Author:   Christopher J. Payne
During any GIS implementation an often overlooked aspect of the plan is how to continue to maintain the currency of the cadastral mapping and databases during the system build. This paper will describe the key issues and recommended strategies for maintenance of the data and transition to online cadastral mapping and database maintenance. Key topics discussed will be maintaining manual processes during data conversion, how to synch current processes with the pace of data conversion, how to plan and train for the new automated process, what tools are available for GIS cadastral maintenance, and how to develop a transition plan.

Christopher J. Payne
System Development/Integration
180 North LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL60601

Telephone: 312-580-7513
Fax: 312-580-7613