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 AGIS--An Agricultural GIS for South Africa
Track:  Agriculture
Author:   Lizette Maria Elizabetha Rust
Rudolf de Munnik
Timely and reliable georeferenced soil, climate, and water data and information, integrated with infrastructural, socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental factors of production, is essential to exercise the best choices among options in using these resources to achieve sustainable levels of production and development. Between the agricultural role players and other spatial information providers in South Africa there is a wealth of resource information. However, this information is seldom readily accessible. This paper focuses on how GIS technology was deployed to address this huge gap in the South African agricultural community. The project, with the objectives to establish a holistic and user-friendly information model using GIS technology and to facilitate the storage, analysis, and interpretation of georeferenced information on all levels for agriculture in South Africa, will be discussed.

Lizette Maria Elizabetha Rust
Agricultural Research Council
Private Bag X79
Pretoria 0001
Pretoria, 0001
South Africa

Telephone: 27-12-326 4205
Fax: 27-12-323 1157