By integrating vector-based and raster-based GIS software applications for modeling, analysis, and display of diverse data sources, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., increased the efficiency of the wetland mitigation process. Publicly available natural resource data, including GIS coverages, CAD files, and digital or hard-copy imagery, is assembled to provide a basis for site selection and feasibility analysis, then supplemented with coverages developed from site-specific investigations. GIS enhances wetland design through surface runoff modeling and three-dimensional analysis of stratigraphy, water table fluctuation, and biological benchmarks. Postconstruction monitoring data is incorporated into the GIS to avoid inefficiencies associated with manual record keeping and data storage.
Alexandra Dunya Syphard
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
4720 Redland Dr.
San Diego, CA92115
Telephone: 757.220.0500